About the WhiteHouse.Net web site:
authors of this site are Bill Herrin and Chris Mincer. Yes it is a joke, a parody,
although it started as a protest.
Do you have a great idea for this site? Put it together in the same style as the rest
of the pages, and upload the files as a .ZIP or .TAR archive via the FTP site:
ftp.dirtside.com. Keep it clean! We won't put anything out here that's mean spirited, but
if its funny its a safe bet we'll add it.
If you
have a great idea but you're not a web author, feel free to send us a suggestion. No promises,
but if its good and we can find time to put it together, we'll add it.
Some folks have asked where to find the parodies their friends saw. They're all
there... Just hit reload a few times. If for some reason this doesn't work for you, you
can also access them explicitly using http://www.whitehouse.net/index#.html.
You can also access all of the old Clinton White House jokes,
although most of the outside links are long gone.